How To Clean Cast Iron Grill Pan

How To Clean Cast Iron Grill Pan| Step By Step Guide

You don’t have to struggle with cleaning your cast iron grill pan – we’ve got you covered!

Cleaning a cast iron grill pan is easy and can be done in just a few simple steps. Start by letting the pan cool down, then scrub it with salt and oil using a paper towel or brush. Rinse with hot water and dry thoroughly before storing to prevent rusting. Make sure to never use soap on the pan as it can strip away its seasoning.

In my experience, cleaning a cast iron grill pan can be a bit tricky at first, but once you get the hang of it, it’s not too difficult. The key is to avoid using soap and instead use salt or baking soda to scrub away any stuck-on food.

In this article, we will discuss in detail how to clean a cast iron grill pan and provide some tips for maintaining its seasoning.

So Let’s Get Started!

Materials Needed for Cleaning a Cast Iron Grill Pan

There are a few materials you will need to clean your cast iron grill pan effectively. These include:

  • Salt or baking soda
  • Oil (vegetable, canola, or flaxseed oil works well)
  • Paper towels or a brush
  • Hot water

That’s it! You don’t need any fancy cleaners or tools – just these simple ingredients will do.

Step-by-Step Guide to Cleaning Your Cast Iron Grill Pan

The following is a step-by-step guide to cleaning your cast iron grill pan:

Step 1: Let the Pan Cool Down

It’s important to let the pan cool down completely before attempting to clean it. This will prevent any burns and also make the cleaning process easier.

Step 2: Scrub with Salt and Oil

Once the pan has cooled down, sprinkle a generous amount of salt or baking soda on the surface. Then, pour a small amount of oil onto the pan and use a paper towel or brush to scrub the pan in a circular motion. This will help remove any food particles and stuck-on residue.

Step 3: Rinse with Hot Water

After scrubbing, rinse the pan thoroughly with hot water. Make sure to use hot water as it helps remove any remaining oil and also helps prevent rusting.

Step 4: Dry Thoroughly

Using a clean paper towel or cloth, dry the pan thoroughly. Make sure to remove all excess water to prevent any rusting.

Step 5: Store Properly

To maintain the seasoning of your cast iron grill pan, always make sure to store it properly. This means storing it in a dry place and avoiding stacking other pots or pans on top of it.

Avoiding Common Mistakes While Cleaning a Cast Iron Grill Pan

Here are some common mistakes to avoid while cleaning your cast iron grill pan:

  • Never use soap or harsh cleaners, as they can strip away the seasoning of the pan.
  • Do not soak the pan in water for long periods of time, as it can cause rusting.
  • Avoid using metal utensils on the pan, as they can scratch the surface and damage the seasoning.
  • Never put your pan in the dishwasher, as it can cause rusting and damage to the pan.

Seasoning Your Cast Iron Grill Pan After Cleaning

Seasoning is crucial for maintaining your cast iron grill pan. After cleaning, it’s important to re-season the pan to prevent rusting and maintain its non-stick properties. Here’s how you can do it:

1: Apply a Thin Layer of Oil

Using a paper towel, apply a thin layer of oil (vegetable, canola, or flaxseed) all over the pan’s surface.

2: Bake in the Oven

Preheat your oven to 375°F and place the pan upside-down on the middle rack. Let it bake for one hour, then turn off the oven and let it cool down completely before removing the pan.

3: Repeat

Repeat this process every few months to maintain the seasoning of your cast iron grill pan.

Tips for Maintenance and Longevity

The following are some additional tips to keep your cast iron grill pan in top shape:

Tip 1: Always Dry Thoroughly

Make sure to dry your pan thoroughly after cleaning to prevent any rusting. You can also place it on a hot stovetop for a few minutes to ensure all moisture is removed.

Tip 2: Re-season Regularly

Re-season your pan every few months or whenever the seasoning starts to fade. This will help maintain its non-stick properties and prevent rusting.

Tip 3: Avoid High Heat

Although cast iron is known for its ability to withstand high heat, it’s best to avoid cooking on extremely hot temperatures. This can cause the pan to warp and damage the seasoning.

Tip 4: Use Wooden or Silicone Utensils

To avoid damaging the surface of your pan, it’s best to use wooden or silicone utensils when cooking.

Tip 5: Avoid Cooking Acidic Foods

Acidic foods, such as tomatoes and citrus fruits, can strip away the seasoning of your pan. If you do need to cook acidic foods, make sure to re-season your pan afterward.

Cleaning Cast Iron vs. Other Grill Pans

The best thing about cast iron grill pans is their durability and ability to retain heat. However, cleaning a cast iron pan is different from other types of grill pans. Here’s how it differs:

  • Cast iron requires special care and cannot be cleaned with soap or harsh cleaners.
  • Non-stick grills require gentle scrubbing and can be cleaned with soap and water.
  • Stainless steel pans can withstand high heat and can be cleaned with soap and water, but may require additional effort to remove stuck-on food.

Natural vs. Commercial Cleaners for Cast Iron Grill Pans

While there are many commercial cleaners available for cast iron pans, it’s best to stick to natural methods and ingredients. These not only help maintain the seasoning of your pan but are also more environmentally friendly.

Here are some natural cleaning options:

Salt or baking soda

As mentioned earlier, these can be used as gentle abrasives to scrub away any food particles or residue.


Vinegar is a natural acid that can help remove any rust or build-up on your cast iron pan. Simply mix equal parts vinegar and water, and let the pan soak for a few minutes before scrubbing and rinsing.

Lemon juice

Lemon juice also contains acid that can help remove rust and build-up. Mix lemon juice with salt to create a paste and use it to scrub the pan’s surface.


Believe it or not, a potato can also be used to clean your cast iron grill pan. Cut a potato in half and sprinkle salt on the cut side. Use this as a scrubber on your pan’s surface.


To sum it up, cleaning a cast iron grill pan requires special care and attention. By following the steps outlined in this guide and avoiding common mistakes, you can maintain your pan’s seasoning and ensure its longevity. Remember to always let the pan cool down before cleaning, use gentle abrasives, and re-season regularly for best results. With proper maintenance, your cast iron grill pan can last for years to come.


Can I use soap to clean a cast iron grill pan?

While it’s generally recommended to avoid using soap, a mild dish soap can be used occasionally. Ensure you re-season the pan after using soap to maintain its non-stick properties.

How often should I season my cast iron grill pan?

Ideally, you should season your grill pan after every use. This will keep it in the best condition and ensure it maintains its non-stick surface.

Is it okay to use metal utensils on a cast iron grill pan?

Using metal utensils is not recommended as it can scratch and damage the seasoning. Opt for wooden or silicone utensils to preserve your pan’s quality.

Can I put my cast iron grill pan in the dishwasher?

No, cast iron grill pans should never be put in the dishwasher. Dishwasher detergents and high water temperatures can damage the seasoning and promote rust.

What oil is best for seasoning a cast iron grill pan?

Oils with high smoke points like vegetable oil, canola oil, or flaxseed oil are excellent choices for seasoning a cast iron grill pan.

How do I prevent rust on my grill pan?

The key to preventing rust is to keep your grill pan dry. After each use, dry it thoroughly, and apply a thin layer of oil before storing it.

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