Image of a BBQ grill with chicken on it, and tips for how to keep the chicken from sticking to the grates. Learn pro tips such as preheating the grill, oiling the grates, using a marinade or rub and not overcooking the food. Start grilling like a pro today!

How to keep Chicken from sticking to BBQ grill – Best Guide

Grilling chicken is an art. If you want to master it, you must know the secrets of keeping your chicken from sticking to the BBQ grill. Here’s how! 

The key to keeping your chicken from sticking to the BBQ grill is proper preparation. Make sure that your chicken is well-oiled and lightly seasoned before grilling. Additionally, preheat the grill for at least 10 minutes and clean it with a wire brush before cooking. 

Brief of my personal experience:

The first time I grilled chicken on the BBQ, it stuck to the hot grill like glue and ruined my plans for a delicious meal. To avoid this disaster, I now preheat the BBQ, brush it clean with a wire brush, oil and season the chicken before cooking.

This ensures my dinners are always succulent and enjoyable – no more scorched meals! Now, I can serve delicious BBQ meals to my family and friends without any hassle.

In this article, I am going to share everything you need to know about How to keep Chicken from sticking to BBQ grill.

So let’s get started!

How to Prevent Chicken from Sticking to the Grill: A Comprehensive Guide [10 Easy Steps]

Grilling chicken can be a tricky art, but with the right steps, you can master it! Follow these 10 easy steps to prevent your chicken from sticking to the BBQ grill: 

Step 1: Preheat the Grill

The first step to ensure your chicken doesn’t stick is to preheat the BBQ grill. Make sure that you heat it up for at least 10 minutes before adding any food. This will help create an even and consistent cooking temperature, as well as prevent any sticking issues.

Step 2: Clean The Grill Grate

You should also make sure to clean the grill grate with a wire brush before adding any food. This will help remove any stuck-on bits of food that could cause sticking issues.

Step 3: Oil The Grill Grate

Once the grill is preheated and cleaned, you should oil the grates. You can use oil spray or vegetable oil on a paper towel. This will help create a non-stick surface for your chicken.

Step 4: Season The Chicken

When seasoning the chicken, use an oil-based marinade or rub that contains herbs and spices. This will provide flavor and help keep the chicken from sticking.

Step 5: Add The Chicken To The Grill

Once the chicken is seasoned, it’s time to add it to the BBQ grill. Make sure that you place it on the hottest part of the grill and avoid crowding the chicken together. This will help ensure that each piece cooks evenly.

Step 6: Keep Turning The Chicken

Make sure to keep turning the chicken pieces regularly, as this will help prevent them from sticking to the grill.

Step 7: Cook Until Done

The chicken is ready when it’s cooked through and no longer pink. Make sure to check with a thermometer to ensure that it has reached an internal temperature of at least 165°F.

Step 8: Cover The Grill

After removing the chicken from the grill, make sure to cover it with a lid or aluminum foil. This will help keep the heat in and ensure that your food stays warm until ready to serve.

Step 9: Let The Chicken Rest

Once you’ve removed the chicken from the BBQ, let it rest for at least 10 minutes before serving. This will help keep the juices in and ensure a tender, juicy flavor.

Step 10: Enjoy!

Finally, enjoy your delicious BBQ chicken with family and friends! Now that you know how to prevent chicken from sticking to the grill, the possibilities are endless. 

Why Does Chicken Stick to Grill Grates?

Chicken sticking to the grill grates is a common issue for many BBQ chefs. There are a few reasons why chicken sticks to grill grates, such as:

Reason 1: Not Preheating the Grill

The first and most common reason why chicken sticks to grill grates is not preheating the BBQ before cooking. When you start cooking on a cold grill, the chicken will stick as it heats up.

Reason 2: Not Oiling The Grill Grates

Another common issue is not oiling the grill grates. This is especially true if you are using a gas grill, as it can be difficult to spread oil evenly on the grates. When cooking chicken on a hot grill, it’s important to use an oil-based marinade or rub before adding the chicken.

Reason 3: Not Cleaning The Grill

It’s also important to make sure that the BBQ is clean before you start cooking. If there are any stuck-on bits of food on the grates, these can cause the chicken to stick as it cooks.

Reason 4: Crowding The Grill

Finally, do not overcrowd the grill when cooking chicken. If you place too many pieces together, it will cause them to stick together as they cook. 

Pro Tips for Grilling Other Meats (Steak, Fish, Vegetables)

Grilling other meats such as steak, fish, and vegetables can be just as rewarding as grilling chicken! Here are a few pro tips to help you get the best results when grilling these items:

Tip 1: Use The Right Temperature

For most meats, it’s important to ensure that your grill is preheated to the right temperature. This will help ensure that your food is cooked through and does not stick to the grates.

Tip 2: Avoid Crowding The Grill

Just like with chicken, it’s important to avoid overcrowding the grill when grilling other meats. If there are too many items on the grill, they can end up sticking together or burning unevenly.

Tip 3: Use A Marinade or Rub

Marinating your steak, fish, or vegetables will help ensure a juicy and flavourful meal. Using an oil-based marinade or rub will also help keep the food from sticking to the grill grates.

Tip 4: Be Patient When Turning The Food

When turning the food, make sure to be gentle. If you’re too rough when turning the steak or fish, it can cause them to stick to the grates.

Tip 5: Don’t Overcook The Food

Finally, make sure not to overcook your food. Different meats require different cooking times and temperatures, so check your food’s internal temperature with a thermometer. 

Common mistakes to avoid while cooking Chicken on a BBQ grill

Cooking chicken on a BBQ grill can be an enjoyable and rewarding experience. However, if you don’t do it correctly, it can leave you with dry, overcooked chicken that’s stuck to the grill grates. 

To help ensure a delicious meal every time, here are some common mistakes to avoid while cooking chicken on the BBQ:

Mistake 1: Not Preheating The Grill

The first and most common mistake is not preheating the grill before cooking. When you start cooking on a cold grill, the chicken will stick as it heats up.

Mistake 2: Not Oiling The Grates

Another mistake to avoid is forgetting to oil the grates. This is especially true if you use a gas grill, as it can be difficult to spread oil evenly on the grates. When cooking chicken on a hot grill, make sure to use an oil-based marinade or rub before adding the chicken.

Mistake 3: Not Cleaning The Grill

Before you start cooking, make sure that the BBQ is clean. If there are any stuck-on bits of food on the grates, these can cause the chicken to stick as it cooks.

Mistake 4: Crowding The Grill

Also, don’t overcrowd the grill when cooking chicken. Putting too many pieces together will cause them to stick together as they cook.

Mistake 5: Not Checking The Internal Temperature

Finally, make sure to check the internal temperature of the chicken before serving. An instant-read thermometer is a great tool for this. Chicken should reach an internal temperature of at least 165°F (74°C) before it’s safe to eat. 

Precaution to consider while cooking chicken on a BBQ grill

When grilling chicken, there are certain safety precautions to consider to ensure that your food is cooked and served safely.

Here are some tips to keep in mind when cooking chicken on a BBQ grill:

Tip 1: Wash Your Hands Before Handling The Chicken

Before handling raw chicken, make sure to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water. This will help prevent the spread of bacteria and keep your food safe.

Tip 2: Use Separate Cutting Boards

It’s important to use separate cutting boards for raw chicken and other foods, such as vegetables or fruits. This prevents cross-contamination and ensures that your food is safe to eat.

Tip 3: Cook The Chicken To An Internal Temperature Of 165°F (74°C)

As mentioned earlier, it’s important to check the internal temperature of the chicken before serving. This will ensure that it is cooked through and safe to eat.

Tip 4: Let The Chicken Rest Before Serving

After taking the chicken off the grill, let it rest for a few minutes before cutting into it. This allows the juices to be redistributed, resulting in a juicier and more flavorful meal.

Tip 5: Store Leftovers Properly

If you have any leftover chicken, make sure to store it in an airtight container and refrigerate it within two hours. Cooked chicken can be stored in the fridge for up to four days.

By following these precautions, you can ensure that you and your guests can enjoy delicious and safe grilled chicken every time.


It is important to keep chicken from sticking to the BBQ grill so that your meal is not ruined and you can enjoy the delicious barbecue. Taking a few precautions before, during, and after cooking will go a long way toward preventing the problem.

Make sure to oil or grease the grates, preheat the grates before adding the chicken, avoid sudden movements of chicken pieces on the grill, and let any remaining bits of residue cool completely before removing them from the grates.

With a little effort and patience in following these simple tips for how to keep chicken from sticking to your BBQ grill, you will be able to prepare perfectly cooked food with every cookout.


What stops the meat from sticking to BBQ?

Preheating the grill, oiling the grates, avoiding overcrowding the grill, and not overcooking the food are all important steps to avoid your meat from sticking to the BBQ. Additionally, using an oil-based marinade or rub before adding it to the grill can help prevent sticking.

Why is my chicken stuck to the grill?

The most common reason why chicken sticks to the grill grates is not preheating the BBQ before cooking. Additionally, if you don’t oil the grates or there are stuck-on bits of food on them, these can cause the chicken to stick as it cooks.

How do you make chicken not stick?

Using an oil-based marinade or rub before adding the chicken to the grill can help keep it from sticking. Additionally, preheating the BBQ and avoiding overcrowding the grill are important steps to ensure that the chicken does not stick.
Finally, make sure to check the internal temperature of your chicken before serving. An instant-read thermometer is a great tool for this. Chicken should reach an internal temperature of at least 165°F (74°C) before it’s safe to eat.

Should I put oil on the chicken before grilling?

Yes, using an oil-based marinade or rub before adding the chicken to the BBQ will help keep it from sticking. Additionally, this will help ensure that your chicken is juicy and flavourful. 

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